June 11, 2024

Food and Beverage Trends 2024

Key insights from the report include:

1. Overall Optimism and Spending Plans: A significant portion of consumers are planning to increase their spending on food and drink as the weather improves in the coming months. This optimism reflects a broader confidence in economic conditions and a desire to enjoy outdoor activities and dining.

2. Fast Food and Takeaway Spending: There has been a slight decrease in spending on fast food and takeaways in May, with a -0.2% year-on-year decline. This marks the first negative month of year on year growth since 2020.

3. Weather-Driven Spending Increase: 28% of consumers are planning to spend more as the weather improves, with this percentage rising to 39% among younger consumers aged 18-34. This demographic shows a strong inclination towards increasing their expenditure on leisure and social activities during the warmer months.

4. Dining and Drinking Al Fresco: 34% of consumers plan to increase their spending on outdoor dining and drinking at pubs and restaurants over the summer. This indicates a growing trend towards enjoying meals and beverages in outdoor settings, driven by the desire for social interaction and pleasant weather.

Overall, the report highlights a positive outlook for consumer spending within the food & beverage industry. For restaurant, pub, and bar owners, these trends present a golden opportunity for them to enhance their menus with trending cuisines and complimentary food pairings, boosting sales and attracting more customers to their venues.

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