April 25, 2024

How to create a successful kitchen listing

Understand Your Space

Before you upload your kitchen listing, assess your kitchen's layout, and understand the size and area, the equipment, and overall capacity for kitchen staff. It's crucial to ensure your space can accommodate the type of food service you have in mind without compromising on quality or efficiency. Consider whether the existing equipment is sufficient, if any upgrades or replacements are needed, or if there is room for the food vendor to bring in their own equipment if required. Ensure that all safety equipment is in working order and/or has been inspected in time for a new food venue to begin operating in your kitchen.

Your Kitchen’s Description

When advertising a kitchen space, it is so important that your description is both comprehensive and appealing. Start by describing your venue, the atmosphere, and the usual clientele. Does your kitchen have the potential to cater for a large catchment area?Is it buzzing with office workers on a Friday night, busy with sports fans on a Saturday? This information will allow a vendor to understand what to expect from your kitchen space.

It is important to share details about the size and layout of the kitchen area, offering insights into the square footage, and different areas such as prep stations, fridges, storage and break out areas, if any - including a floor plan of the kitchen in your listing will help vendors understand the space a lot better. Within the description highlight the main equipment and appliances available that a vendor would likely be looking for in a kitchen. Accessibility is another key point to include, covering the kitchen’s location in relation to known landmarks or public transport. It is also crucial to include if there are any parking or loading areas available on site, ensuring it’s practical for both daily operations and/or deliveries. 

Define Your Fee’s & Expectations

Establish clear expectations of what the deposit and monthly fee will be for the space. Consider if you wish for your kitchen space to be self managed or Oya managed, learn more about our pricing here. It's important to clarify who is responsible for utilities, maintenance, and cleaning of the kitchen space. Is there an opportunity to split the cost on some overheads? Consider what the opening hours will be and the hours the vendor will have permission to access the site. It is essential to prevent misunderstandings to allow for a smooth partnership between you and the food brand.

A Picture Perfect Kitchen

When listing your space on the Oya Kitchens marketplace, they recommend taking at least 3-5, good-quality images of the space from a few different angles. Doing so will ensure that you give a good impression of the space available. Remember to make sure that all surfaces are cleaned down and surrounding areas are relatively tidy before you take your photos. Learn how to take the best images of your kitchen space here.

Remember, the clarity and appeal of your listing directly impact the interest and trust of potential partners. By investing time and effort into your kitchen's listing on our marketplace, you will attract the attention of the right food vendors and in turn will find yourself a perfect fit for your kitchen.

Interested? List your kitchen space here.